Companies should protect and police their intellectual property rights and should be aware of the intellectual property rights of others. An intellectual property audit can provide your company with the information it needs to: (1) protect its intellectual property rights; (2) minimize the risk that it will forfeit those rights; (3) understand any applicable conditions and limitations upon the scope of its ownership and use of intellectual property; (4) educate its employees regarding safeguarding of the company's intellectual property; and (5) implement best practices to avoid the violation of others’ rights. Join Baker Donelson for an interactive discussion about intellectual property audits.
This is a complimentary event and breakfast will be provided.
Complimentary parking available in the Birmingham Parking Authority Public Deck #3 located on 4th Avenue North, between 20th and 21st Street on the right hand side of the road. Use the first entrance marked with a public parking sign. When you exit the deck, the office building is directly across the street in the Wachovia Tower. Please bring your parking ticket and our receptionist will validate it for you.