CMS recently instructed its Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs) to use CMS's electronic provider-based (PB) checklist. In a One-Time Notification, CMS advised that it had been receiving different PB checklists from its various MACs and that some of these checklists were incomplete. CMS established a workgroup, consisting of representatives from all of the MACs and some CMS regional offices, that developed one comprehensive electronic PB checklist for use by all MACs. Change Request 10095 instructs all MACs to post the new checklist on their websites and to begin using this checklist as of November 6, 2017.
Although most MACs did not have the new checklist posted on their websites at the time this article was drafted, CMS's new electronic PB checklist is provided here. Providers should use this checklist going forward to review new and existing PB locations as these are the criteria that the MACs and CMS will be reviewing.
CMS also published an MLN Matters article addressing the implementation of the uniform checklist, MM10095.