Join Baker Donelson Disaster Recovery and Government Services team members Danielle Aymond and Jordan Corbitt for the HGACBuy 2019 Inaugural Conference and Expo. This event held by the Houston-Galveston Area Council will focus on educational forums, new and innovative products and services, as well as networking opportunities. Sessions will include topics on cooperative purchasing resources, public procurement basics and procurement fraud detection and reporting. The Houston-Galveston Area Council will also showcase programs and services that it provides to the region.
On Tuesday, October 1, Danielle and Jordan will be presenting "Finding FEMA 'Friendly' Funding" in which they will discuss ensuring eligibility for FEMA funding and on Wednesday, October 2, they will be presenting "The Disaster Recovery Reform Act: A Texas-Sized Bill" which includes an overview of the DRRA changes, codes and standards funding and DRRA arbitration, among other topics.