To help our clients and communities navigate the growing impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Baker Donelson's Coronavirus Task Force is monitoring the rapidly changing situation and updating this site with helpful and current resources. The Task Force includes leading professionals from multiple Baker Donelson practice areas with a range of experience in the many operational, legal, regulatory and governmental issues that are vital to ensuring our clients receive comprehensive guidance on how to respond to their unique challenges.
A Message From Our CEO: Baker Donelson has a comprehensive business continuity plan that ensures our Firm's continued operation and uninterrupted service to our clients throughout the duration of this public health crisis. Our hope is that the duration will be limited, but regardless of how long it lasts, we will have ample resources to service our clients and keep our people safe. Your partnership, friendship and trust mean more now than ever. We look forward to continuing to serve you and we wish safety and good health to everyone. – Timothy M. Lupinacci